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神秘影片试验计划#8  隔绝平静

神秘影片试验计划#8 隔绝平静

  • 主演:
  • 状态:共2集
  • 类型:少儿动漫地区:其他 
  • 导演:评分:8.0
  • 更新:2021-07-22上映:2012 

影片介绍:Sigur Rós 给了许多电影工作者相同的经费预算,请他们把听到每首新歌,第一个脑海里浮现的画面给拍摄出来。这个实验计划的点子,是要影片工作者能够抛开席格若斯的认同,让他们能够呈现最有创意的一面,这项计划的影片制作人有 Ramin Bahrani、Alma Har'el、Joh n Cameron Mitchell 以及 Ryan McGinley。席格若斯不想要事先在专辑出来之前先有任何的预先立场,也不想告诉听众如何去感受和从这张专辑获得到什么,当然团员没有人会知道导演将会拍出些什么影片给他们。directors commentary :daualogn is a spiritual and meditative journey into nature.since the time of our earliest ancestors, nature has been a source for inspiration, imagination, and wisdom. nature is where we come from. even in this modern age, its energy still flows through our veins. being in nature, we see the world our ancestors saw: a place of beauty, a place to reflect, a place to learn, and a place to connect with the heart and soul.about the film location :filming took place deep in the primeval forest of yakushima, a remote island in southern japan. i chose this location both for its unique beauty and because the story of yakushima was representative of the often fragile relationship between humans and nature. the giant trees on the island were once revered as sacred by locals. they lived for thousands of years but for the past 5 centuries they were logged to near extinction. the scarred landscape coupled with the dramatic way in which the forest has recovered made for a picturesque and magical atmosphere.导演简介:henry jun wah lee is an international filmmaker and photographer, as well as a practicing physician of traditional chinese medicine. his life’s commitment is for all of us to live whole, powerful, and inspired liveshenry’s passions for art, nature and medicine come from his belief that the healing powers of nature can rejuvenate the body, open the mind, unlock the heart and free the spirit.导演官网:http://www.evosiastudios.com/

当前影片:8.0 分(满10分)
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