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影片介绍:It was a fateful coincidence that in 2014, just when the Allard Pierson Museum in Amsterdam was staging an exhibition of Crimean artworks, Russia annexed the region. So now the question arises of who should the artworks be returned to? To the museums in Crimea who had been so kind as to loan them out? Or to Ukraine, perhaps, the country Crimea belonged to before the annexation? What should the museum’s director Wim Hupperetz do? Veteran documentary filmmaker Oeke Hoogendijk (The New Rijksmuseum) is just the woman for the job when it comes to turning this complex issue into an exciting film, and finding the human dimension in a tangled judicial tug-of-war. Political, emotional, personal, cultural, and historical interests all jostle for position as lawyers arguing from a purely judicial perspective present their case and distressed museum directors face big gaps in their collections. While archaeologists in Crimea continue their groundbreaking historical work, it looks like their previous finds are going to be re-buried in the Netherlands—shut off from the world in a warehouse, they are perhaps the biggest losers in this conflict.

当前影片:10.0 分(满10分)
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温馨提示:影视克里米亚的宝藏为1080P完整版在线播放,本影片综合评分 10.0 分,请尊重原电影克里米亚的宝藏的版权,此影片出自荷兰地区,由导演Oeke Hoogendijk及演员等亲情打造2021上映的最新影视;您可通过网站导航进入对应影片类型然后选择荷兰地区电影进入并观看克里米亚的宝藏全集,或者直接通过页面的搜索功能直接搜索克里米亚的宝藏电影进行在线观看播放。(电影克里米亚的宝藏最后更新于2022-10-09)免责说明:电影克里米亚的宝藏播放资源等所有信息均来自于网络,本站并未参与电影克里米亚的宝藏视频音频的录制及修改修复工作,如果影片克里米亚的宝藏侵害了您或公司/组织的利益,请留言给以(详细)说明及证明,如确认无误后,我们将第一时间对电影克里米亚的宝藏播放资源采取人工删除,以保护影片所属版权及其他权益,感谢您对我们工作的积极配合!

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