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影片介绍:The continuation of Kao, Pete, Sun and Morks story.   Kao and Pete being in a blissful romance, have grown closer. But with Kao being closeted from his mother, he fears the dreaded thought of her finding out. His mother then introduces Non, a son of a colleague, as he requires tutoring from Kao. With Non constantly giving off iffy vibes towards Kao, it only fuels Petes jealousy. Their relationship is put in strain, but through this, they must ultimately overcome each others flaws. They both blossom in their youthfulness coated by their everlasting fondness for one another. Surrounded by the wonder of dark blue, Pete and Kao surrender to their feelings.   Sun starts taking hints from his unrequited love and slowly gives up on Kao. Through this Mork happened to possibly comfort him. Whilst Sun pushes Rain to stay away from Mork, the younger mans uncontrollable behaviour brings him in. As his wildness is intriguing, Suns seriousness holds Mork down somewhat. Underneath it all, the two start to care for each other. However, with Morks dangerous life, he cant shake who he is. But maybe he can for someone like Sun.

当前影片:8.0 分(满10分)
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温馨提示:影视深蓝之吻为更新至12集完整版在线播放,本影片综合评分 8.0 分,请尊重原电影深蓝之吻的版权,此影片出自泰国地区,由导演及演员提迪蓬·德查阿派坤,Vihokratana T等亲情打造2019上映的最新影视;您可通过网站导航进入对应影片类型然后选择泰国地区电影进入并观看深蓝之吻全集,或者直接通过页面的搜索功能直接搜索深蓝之吻电影进行在线观看播放。(电影深蓝之吻最后更新于2022-02-22)免责说明:电影深蓝之吻播放资源等所有信息均来自于网络,本站并未参与电影深蓝之吻视频音频的录制及修改修复工作,如果影片深蓝之吻侵害了您或公司/组织的利益,请留言给以(详细)说明及证明,如确认无误后,我们将第一时间对电影深蓝之吻播放资源采取人工删除,以保护影片所属版权及其他权益,感谢您对我们工作的积极配合!

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